Reptilia Dominator

September 2, 2011
  • Model: Galaxy-class Warship
  • Manufacturer: Reptilia Droc Empire
  • Size: 5 miles long
  • First appearance: Scavenger

The Dominator is five mile long warship making up the spear front of the Reptilia Droc fleet. It’s equiped with over a hundred heavy plasma turrets spread over the length of the ship, including it’s eight spires. This allows the Dominator fire on multiple targets in any direction simultaneously. It’s protected by powerful shields and thick armor plating made from a super strong alloy of metals unique to Droc Territoy.

All these traits make the Dominator a formidable warship, but it’s greatest advantage is the Solaris canon. A wave of charged particles that fires from the blue crystal tip of the vessel. The Solaris particle are able to pass through a ship’s shields, and upon hitting the solid matter of a hull, causes it’s atoms to fission and explode. Instantly destroying its target. It takes five minutes for a Dominator’s reactor to recharge the Solaris canon’s battery after discharge. However a even a small battalion of Dominator firing together in a tactical line can devastate an enemy fleet in moments.

The Solaris Canon can be focused into a small burst to cause maximum damage to a single target at long distance, or fire in a short-range wave to savage multiple targets. While Droc warrior caste rule the ground with their strength and skill, they rule the skies with the Dominator.


Dominator G2 Design


Fully rendered G1 Dominator


New Wallpaper

August 27, 2011

New Reptilia Droc wallpaper available for download. Now you too can have a big reptilian eyeball watch your every move.


Click image above to open and save at full size, 1024 x 768.


Beta Class

August 25, 2011

Sentient lifeforms in the Nexis Galaxy are divided into two categories, Alpha and Beta class.

Beta Class beings  have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, has allowed Betas to make far greater use of tools than any other living species on Earth. Other higher-level thought processes of humans, such as self-awareness, rationality, and sapience, are considered to be defining features of what constitutes a “person”.

Betas are known for their desire to understand and influence their environment, seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology, and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills, which are passed down culturally.

Betas make up the vast majority of the Nexis Galaxy’s sentient population. Humans are the most typical example of Beta intelligence and physiology. Many species share a similar design, with slight evolutionary modifications to suit their world of origin. However some Beta species from more extreme environments can still vary radically in appearance.

In exchange for their intelligence and ability to learn and adapt, their was a evolutionary price. Betas sacrificed strength, senses, and specialization, becoming adaptable but fragile creatures. Betas generally share feeling of mistrust and fear towards Alphas, the rare species which managed to combine intelligence with feral strength.

(Above) Example a human and avian, two Beta Class species.

Alpha class

August 24, 2011

Sentient lifeforms in the Nexis Galaxy are divided into two categories, Alpha and Beta class.

Alphas are a class of being that developed  along an entirely different evolutionary trajectory that other species like humans.

Their most notable feature is their size, and animal characteristics. The smallest adult specimens are still 6 feet tall. And larger species range between seven and eight feet tall. The only known exception is proto alphas, like the Reptilia species, Qui Quey, which is thought to be an evolutionary link between alphas and Betas.

While many Betas have a humanoid build, Alphas maintain a more specialized, animal-like design and predatory senses akin to their ancestral progenitors.

Other unique features include: preternatural strength, speed, agility, and accelerated healing. This abilities are enhanced  by hormone Alphas produce called, thetaline, which provides a major burst and is released into the body by stress.

“Being in the presence of something that could kill you so easily was simultaneously exciting
and intimidating.” – Melean Tass, “Encounter at Sakora”

Size Comparison between an Alpha (left) and Betas (right).

The New reptilia-droc.twd

August 18, 2011


Welcome to the brand new wordpress powered edition of reptilia-droc.twd!

This is still under construction, and a few features are still to follow. But enjoy the new design, browse through the newly imported blog, and besure to follow the droc on my facebook page.


Qui Quey

July 18, 2011
Species: Qui Quey
Class: proto alpha
Affiliation: The Reptilia Droc
Caste: Worker

Qui Queys are one of the many sub species of the Reptilia Droc. Standing at a mere foot tall, they are the smallest of the Droc races. They process sharp teeth and claws, but are quick to retreat, and generally considered harmless compared to larger species like Chameleons and Sprinters.
Qui Queys are a member of the worker caste. They are intelligent, and their small, slender fingers are ideal for working on machinery and electronics.
Qui’Queys differ from other Reptilia Droc species in that they are Beta. A rare example of the Droc working with a species outside of the Droc race. It is also thought to be the missing link between Betas and Alphas. Qui’Queys possess brains capable of higher level learning while maintaining a body type and specialization more common to the animal kingdom. But lack the size enhanced physical strengths to categorized as Alphas.



July 13, 2011

Sex: Male
Species: Reptilia Chameleon
Class: Alpha
Affiliation: The Reptilia Droc Empire
Occupation: Warrior caste
First Appearance: Scavenger


Thryce is a Chameleon, one of six known Reptilia’Droc species. Chameleons, like all Reptilia species, are Alpha class. They possess physical strength, speed, and agility even beyond that of most other Alpha races. Common Reptilia traits include a long forked tongue which allows them to “taste” the air, and do a detailed chemical analysis of their surrounding. They also have superior night vision, and crocodilian jaws that can break bones, or tear through metal.

Other traits specific to Chameleons: the ability to change the color of their skin, and blend in with their surroundings. This ability is similar to the chameleons of earth, but refined to an even greater extent. Chameleons also posses superior agility, which allows them to have a unique fighting style of leaping, kicking, and flipping.

As a Chameleon, Thryce was raised as member of the warrior caste, trained to fight for and protect the Reptilia’Droc Empire. Thryce’s skills in combat and head for strategy have made him the leader of his squad, “The Reapers”. But Thryce craves for more than the life of an ordinary soldier, and often acts brashly and disobeys orders in the name of glory. His ambition is frowned upon by his superiors, who feel that serving the empire should be reward enough, and see personal desire and pride as flaws of the corporate races.

Over a Meal

July 1, 2011

Reptilia Droc:

Over a Meal

Summary: In deep space, three crew-members narrowly escape the destruction of their ship by a powerful, unknown force. But over a meal, they discover that they aren’t out of danger yet.

Author Note: “Over a Meal” is one of my earlier short story experiments, as such the writing is a little rough. Also, the Droc do not appear in this adventure, instead the threat is a hint towards a future opponent.

* * *

Three crewmen sat huddled around a small dining table, in the dim, flickering light of the shuttle cabin. Two humans, and yellow skinned, fish-like being made up the group. They all wore heavy coats, shivered, and grimaced as they ate their meals of cold, canned rations.

“Damn, it’s freezing in here. If we can’t turn up the thermal units, can’t we at least heat up our rations?” Birks, a young man around twenty four, complained.

“I told you, the main generator is shot,” Zanik replied, glancing at his with large, green glassy eyes. “All we have is reserves. As long as we’re stuck out here, we can’t spare any power away from the thrusters. We’ll have to make due with the minimum life-support.”

“Just our luck, stranded on a short range shuttle with no frigg’n hyperspace out in the middle of the Outer Territories.” Birk continued.

“We fared better than rest of the crew still trapped on the Galldonna. Or the ones who tried the escape pods.”

“Do you think any of the pods got away?” Asked Sora, a woman in her early thirties.

“I don’t think so.” Zanik replied, “The pirates had too many ships. The pods that didn’t get snatched up by tractor beams were getting shot down by their fighters.”

“What do you think they’ll do with the crew?” She wondered.

“I don’t want to think about it.” Zanik shook his head. “One almost got me in the corridor. I’ll never forget those eyes. It four of them, they glowed green. When I looked into them, there was nothing there. Just… Soulless. All in all, I think we’re damn lucky to have made it this far in one piece.”

“Lucky?” Birks disagreed. “Those fighters blew the crite out of us! That’s why we’re sitting here in the dark, wearing freeze gear, and eating cold slop. Remember?”

“I know, Birks. You keep reminding us. Maybe you should spend less time complaining, and more time trying to fix the com-link, and getting us picked up.”

“What for? Random ships don’t just come wandering by, not out this far out. Maybe if you knew how to fly this tin can, the Korb wouldn’t have shot us full of holes!” (more…)

The Tombs

June 1, 2011

Reptilia Droc:

The Tombs

Summary: Engineer, Alec Phirth, requested a transferred to a starship in hopes of finding adventure. However, his enthusiasm quickly disappears when Alec is assigned a solitary position among the ship’s dark and aging maintenance level. The situation worsens when he begins to suspect there’s something else stalking the silent halls.

Author Note: “The Tombs” is one of my earlier short story experiments, as such the writing is a little rough. Also, the Droc do not appear in this adventure, instead the threat is a hint towards a future opponent.

* * *

Alec Phirth stared down the bleak, dim corridor as he meandered to his next assignment. He served as an engineer on the Star Grazer, a cargo freighter transporting construction materials for the Gal Zinge corporation.

He used to work in a shuttle Bay on the planet Kaltorra, doing maintenance on small transports. The work was fine, and it paid okay. But he felt like something was missing, like his life had plateaued. He wanted something more exciting in his life. He wanted to travel the stars, and see different worlds.

Alec made the decision to ask for a transfer to a star-ship. He requested a position on either a battleship or pleasure cruise. Excitement or exotic locations, either one would work for him. What he got was the Star Grazer, a run down old cargo freighter that went back and forth between the same three worlds, towing the same damn cargo.

On top of that, he was a new crew member without seniority, and with nothing amazing on his resume, he was assigned to the ship’s maintenance level. Technically it was an important position. All the ship’s power, computers cables, water, and air channeled down the length of the ship through his level before being routed to its destination on the upper levels. It was similar to the trunk of a tree splitting off to it’s branches. The functions of the whole ship depended on him. But all the same, it was a job no one wanted.

The maintenance level was made up of a single mile long corridor. The walls and ceiling were hidden by a stream of conduits, pipes, and ducts. There were no rooms except for his office, a few supply closets spread along the length of the ship, and hatches leading to more pipes and machinery.

He worked alone on the maintenance level, so amenities were kept to a minimum. This level was not brightly lit, and clean like the levels above. There was one light every few feet, the bare metallic walls were gray and grimy. It was cold too, the heat on this level was kept low to conserve power, or conserve money more specifically. There was no one to talk to, and it was silent except for the thrum of the ventilation fans, the drip of leaking pipes, and the crackle of flickering overhead lights. His only company were the vanta rats that managed to sneak on board along with the cargo.

It was for all these reasons the maintenance level was referred to as “the Tomb”. Alec hated the tomb. Hated the silent, windowless tunnel that had become his world. Hated the solitary, repetitive nature of his work. He desperately wanted to be rotated to the upper levels of the ship, a world he only got to glimpse in his off hours. But it would be at least 6 months before he was eligible to rotate part time to the upper levels. (more…)

Korb Stinger

May 15, 2011

Stinger are small fighter class ships employeed by the Korb. A single Stringer by itself is little threat, it possess no shields, hyperdrive, or plasma torpedoes. Howerever Stringers are carried into battle by the thousands and deployed by large carrier craft. Swarming their targets, they overpower them by shear numbers.
