Zelk Bahnarr

December 8, 2010

Zelk Bahnarr is the director of the specials projects and research division for the Gal Zinge corporation. Zinge Corp, like all of the cartels, has taken significant losses in their conflicts with the Reptilia’Droc. Bahnarr’s prime directive is to develop new technologies to help defend the worlds under Gal-Zinge control. Bahnarr’s intelligence has taken him far in Zinge Corp, but unlike most executives he has a great deal of respect for the beings working under him. He also disapproves of the corporations’ policy of covering up the growing conflict with the Reptilia’Droc. The mission he is charged with by the Gal Zinge corporation sets in motion the events of “Balance of Power”.

Bahnarr is an avian, a beta class species with bird-like attributes. The average height of his species is 6 feet and four inches for males, though 8 inches is made up of the colorful plumage crown their heads. These ornate feathers are used in attracting a mate and intimidating other males of the species.



The Conglomerate States

October 30, 2010

The Conglomerate States is an industrialized, consumer-based society occupying two-thirds of Nexus galaxy. It contains thousands of life-baring worlds and sentient species. On the surface the Conglomerate States presents themselves as a wealthy utopia, with glass towers reaching towards the sky and the promise of a bright future.

But the Conglomerate State are divided among 12 ruling corporations which are constantly at odds with one in other. And beneath the facade of wealth, there is growing threat of poverty, over population, mounting aggression between corporations, and exhaustion of resources.

In response the corporations have turned their gaze to the untapped resources of the surrounding Outer Territories as a solution to their problem. But as the corporation expand outward, they find themselves in a growing confrontation with the Reptilia Droc.

Nine hundred years ago, under the united ruler-ship of the Weiquin Empire, the worlds of the Conglomerate States had a glactic-wide war with the Droc. After centuries passed and Droc adopted a policy of isolationism, the history of this war has been largely forgotten and reduced to a legend among public consciousness. But the Droc are still a force to be reckoned with, and clashes over planets in the Outer Territories have lead to severe causalities on the side of the Corporations.

For the Corporations, revealing their war with the Droc would reveal just how desperate they have become. So instead the citizens of the Conglomerate State kept in the dark from the mounting problems. Media control, public empathy, political diversion keep the people unaware that their glass castle is cracking.

Below is a list of Corporations which have appeared so far. As well as the companies’ main focus, though each corporations own subsidiaries in every facet of life, which the corporate states to be largely independent of each other.

  1. Gal Zinge – mining in the Outer Territories
  2. Ponsauri – technology and research
  3. Coiypax – ship building
  4. Tydorren
  5. Destonni