Scyph blade

August 23, 2012

The Syph is a foot long weapon with twin blades. They are most frequently wielded by Reptilia Chameleons of the warrior caste.

Droc weapons differ greatly from the industrial, pragmatic weapons of Corporate soldiers. For the Droc, war is an art form, so in turn their weapons are designed with highest level of craft.


G2 Design

The blades are engraved with passages from the warrior caste charter. The open ring, found often in Droc architecture and ship design is thought to have religious significance. While the glowing gem is the power source for the blade’s vibration generator, which allows it to slice through flesh and even heavy armor with ease.

G1 Design

Volume 1: Scavenger

July 16, 2012



Illustrated Novel
7 1/2 x 101/4
Status: Inprogress


Derrich Lorn built space freighters on a Corporate shipyard, until selling company equipment on the side landed him in prison. Newly released and in need of work, Derrich finds himself on a freelance salvaging crew operating in the dangerous Outer Territories. Their mission, to salvage Reptilia Droc technology from recent battle with the Corpoarations. A mission that could leave them set for life. If they survive it.



The Nexis Galaxy

July 8, 2012

Star map showing the territorial break down of the Nexis Galaxy.

The green areas are divided among the 12 mega-firms making up the Conglomerate States. Beyond that are the yellow zones, unsettled and lawless regions of the Outer Territories. While in the southern quadrant of the galaxy, in a region known as the Dragon’s Tail, is the vast and fortified territory of the Reptilia Droc.

The Outer Territories

June 9, 2012

The Outer Territories are made up of the unsettled regions of space surrounding the Conglomerate State. Free of Conglomerate law, it has long been a haven for pursued criminal and political radicals who the Corporations wish silence. But for many it’s considered a haven of last resort, even a death sentence.

Outside of Corporate military enforcement, the region is host to pirates, outlaws, and militias. The Reptilia Droc, who’s territory lies on the edge of the Southern quadrant, frequently patrol sections of this outlying region with with massive warships. It’s unknown who or what they are searching for. Recently reports have have come in of an unidentified insect race launching raids against convoys and settlements.



Also living among the these dangerous elements are colonies of humans who choose to remain there while the great human migration passed through on their way to the Conglomerate States.

But the biggest change in the Outer Territories has been the resource depleted Corporations turning their gaze towards the regions largely untapped worlds. The Corporations have been sending out hundreds of surveying teams, and gearing up for colonies and trade roots.

But all of this activity has not gone unnoticed by the regions inhabitants, and even with the heavy military presence assigned to protect Corporate interests can  become out matched.


May 21, 2012

Mu is a classification of planets with atmospheres are composed of nitrogen and oxygen and have an abundance of liquid water necessary for carbon-based life to exist. A planet with moderate (as necessary for liquid water) temperatures, more technically speaking: the thermal surface requirements necessary to support complex (multicellular) life.

Mu-class worlds come in four stages.

Stage 1
Life has evolved and can range from simple microbes to more advanced plant and animal life. These worlds however do not contain any native sentient life-forms. These worlds are typically found in the Outer Territories and are prime canidates for colonization by the corporations with no issues of previous ownership to contend with.

Stage 2
Extensive plant and animal life has been since established, and supports one or more sentient species in early development. Sentient development can range from stone age civilizations to post industrial civilizations. Earth in it’s prime was is a textbook example of a Mu Clas world.

Stage 3
Planets with Sentient life capable of  inventing hyperspace engines and initiating space exploration.

Stage 4
A planet entering its final life cycle due to war, environmental destruction, or astronomical events such as a dying star or meteor impact. Earth entered stage 4 when humans were forced to leave their planet and migrate across space, eventually settling in the Nexis galaxy. Records were lost on exact cause of Earth entering stage 4 collapse.


May 20, 2012

Location: Ruen System, the Outer Territories
Type: Mu-class, stage 1
Affiliation: Settled by the Coiypax Corporation
First appearance: Scavenger

Sardonna is a Mu-class planet, supporting a complex ecosystem of red vegetation, dark blue to black oceans, and glow phosphorescent fungus, and variety of animal life.

Being a planet in Phase 1 stage of development, Sardonna has no native sentient life. However the planet was colonized by the Cioypax corporation. The firm established a large naval post there to protect their investments spread across the Outer Territories.

Planet Sardonna

A distress signal sent from this outpost attracted the attention to Captain Bessourn and the crew of the Pathfinder, in their search for Reptilia Droc technology.

Droc Cruiser

May 2, 2012

Model: Rigd’cal Mid-class cargo freighter
Manufacturer: Reptilia Droc Empire
Size: 900 hundred feet long

Ridg’cal cruisers are used by the Droc for transporting non-military personel and cargo. They carry light defensive armament for solo operations outside of Droc territory. But these vessels are usually found in large convoys, accompanied by support ships like Marauders.

The Pathfinder

April 24, 2012

Model: Dolbarr mid-class towing freighter
Manufacturer: The Coiypax corporation
First appearance: Scavenger

The Pathfinder is owned and operated by Captain Dren Bessourn, for his freelance salvage operation in the Outer Territories. The rest of his crew consists of pilot and first mate Ellie Nurrier, Fren the medic, Karris on security, Sauln and new comer Derric Lorne on acting as engineers.

The Pathfinder its self is approximately 150 feet long, though most of its size is dedicated to cargo room and engine power. Leaving sparse room for living space, and a external bridge resembling a shuttle cockpit.

Other features include four industrial strength tractor beams on the belly of the ship, and a pair of magnetic clamps on robotic arms. Eight vertical lift thrusters spread along the sides of the ships, and two massive Towing engines connected to rotating arms, allowing targeted power. These features combine to give the pathfinder the power to tow much larger vessels in space and or from a planet’s gravity.

The ship was designed by Dol’barri shipyards, an insect-like race working under the Coiypax corporation. This background brought an unusual beetle-like influence to Pathfinder’s design.


April 11, 2012

Name: Hierdun Fren
Sex: Male
Species: Dorr’slek
Class: Beta
Affiliation: The crew of the Pathfinder
Occupation: Medic
First Appearance: Scavenger

“Next was Fren, the paramedic. The dorthec was tall, thin and extremely pale, even by the standards of his race. He was put on permanent medical leave, suffering from severe depression and paranoia. My new bunk mate, Fren incessantly muttered to himself. He frequently accused me of stealing his possessions. One time, going as far as to threaten me with a laser scalpel.”
– Derric Lorne, Reptilia Droc: Scavenger


Captain Bessourn

February 27, 2012

Name: Dren Bessourn
Sex: Male
Species: Bolyen
Class: Beta
Affiliation: The crew of the Pathfinder
Occupation: Captain
First Appearance: Scavenger

Dren Bessourn, captain of freelance salvaging freighter, the Pathfinder.
Bessourn grew up in the Outer Territories beyond the Conglomerate States, where he learned to pilot star ships and handle dangerous situations. Later in his life he tried working for the Corporations, but was too much of a free spirit to live under their strict rules and protocols.

Taking out loans for some dangerous people, he acquired his own ships and gathered a misfit crew in an attempt to start a new life.  After a few jobs went wrong, Bessourn fell behind on his payments to the mob and had to go into exile in the Outer Territories. Bessourn was seeking away to square his debt once and for all when he was contacted by the Ponsauri Corporation for a dangerous but well paying job involving the Reptilia Droc.